Our Services


Provides door to door service within a 15 mile radius. Wheelchair transportation available.

  • Door to door service
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Outings
  • Assistance on & off the bus & into the home
Activities of Daily Living

Ensures your family member remains comfortable and clean. Assists families in the often difficult task of maintaining appropriate body hygiene. Teaches families easier ways to care for loved their one.

  • Bathroom assistance
  • Hair care
  • Personal hygiene & grooming
  • Oral care
  • Feeding
  • Benefits
Medical Director

Reviews medical policies and procedures of the facility to ensure good care. Makes recommendations to the nurse of follow up care for participants.

  • Reviews medical records
  • Develops medical policy
  • Benefits

Reviews participant diets and makes recommendations, supervises food distribution and monitors eating habits of participants.

  • One-on-One diet counselling with participants in need of guidance
  • Recommends diet changes to physicians
  • Makes recommendations for food distribution
  • Educates staff on nutritional information & food distribution
  • Benefits
Ongoing Education programs

Periodic educational programs are provided for family members and the community. Past topics have included Alzheimer's Disease- How to Handle Difficult Situations, How to Choose a Nursing Home, and Advanced Directives.

Educational opportunities are made available to participants such as how to stop smoking, crime safety, home fire prevention, medicaid, nature center presentations and more.

Day Time Care

The day program allows you to go to work or tend to daily tasks while your parent, spouse or loved one is safe and taken care of.

We provide our day-time services at our beautiful Day Center which is open Monday through Friday, from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Our participants come anywhere from 2 days a week to all 5 days of the week.

We call our seniors “participants” because our focus is on active participation in the many daily events we offer.

We offer transportation in our comfortable, wheelchair accessible vehicles for those who need it. Our caring drivers assist each of our participant's to and from their front door to ensure that your loved one is picked up and delivered home, safe and sound.

Services and Care: We offer a multitude of services. Our full-time registered nurse, Debbie, makes sure each participant takes his/her medication on time, and works closely with each person's physician and family to monitor health issues. She tracks blood pressures, weights, and other important vital signs to ensure that our participants stay as healthy as possible. We also offer podiatry services, and have a dietitian who is available for guidance, should nutrition be an issue. Lab work can be drawn on-site if the doctor orders it, to make your life easier. We serve a light breakfast and a nutritious meal for lunch each day, as well as an afternoon snack before we take our participants home. Our nursing assistants help our participants with personal needs, such as toileting, feeding, and mobility.

In addition to the medical oversight, we offer a fabulous activity program that is designed to keep our participants active and stimulated, while offering opportunities for socialization.


A podiatrist does visit the Center and provides services to the participants. A free annual screening is performed. Treatment services are billed directly to the participant's insurances and/or family.

Community Integration

The participants go on frequent outings to the movies, out to lunch, to see plays, visit a local children's day care, visit museums, swimming pools, bowling, shopping, and the library among other places.

Community Groups have visited the Center such as the Smithsonian programs, Child Day Cares, Fire Department, Police Department, Department of Social Services and many others.

Assisted Living

We learned long ago that smaller is better when it comes to giving more individualized care. With only 15 seniors living in each of our homes, we are easily able to provide our residents with the attention they deserve.

Each of our homes has been designed to maximize safety while maintaining a home-like feeling. Both the Dunroven and the Dagsboro are one level. There are no steps or inclines to maneuver, making our homes safer and user friendly to seniors who may have difficulty with balance and walking. There are no elevators to maneuver, and the smaller layout allows our residents with memory impairments to find their way.

The Dagsboro offers care and companionship for 15 residents with mild to moderate care needs. The residents in this home are still fairly independent with their daily needs, and require supervision, reminding, and maybe just a little assistance with certain tasks.

The Dunroven assisted living home offers 24-hour care and comfort to 15 seniors with more advanced care needs. We pride ourselves in keeping our residents with us throughout the rest of their lives, whenever that is possible. We offer comfort care for individuals in the more advanced stages of dementia or other illnesses, and utilize Hospice services for those in need of that kind of care. We know our residents well, and take pride in giving them the care they need, even when things get more difficult.

All of our residents have private bedrooms. Our common spaces, such as the living room with its cozy fireplace, the dining room, and our peaceful lounge, are shared. Our homes feel like a home away from home.

Our well-trained, compassionate staff maintains each home and assists residents with their personal needs. Medications are administered to all of our residents by our Certified Medication Technicians to ensure they are received at the right time, in the right dose, and the right way. Many of them have been with us for numerous years.

Our managers oversee resident health issues and work closely with each resident's family and physician. We can give insulin, monitor blood pressure, and care for individuals with a variety of health needs, as long as they do not need around the clock licensed nurses for their care.

Rehabilitative Care

Maintains or increases physical functioning. Prevents decline due to inactivity and immobility.

  • Daily exercise groups
  • Walking
  • Mobility Training
  • Range of Motion
  • Benefits
Hall Rental

Hall rentals available on Saturdays and Sundays.  Kitchen Facilities available.

  • Birthday Parties
  • Church Functions/Events
  • Bridal Showers
  • Holiday Parties
  • Reunions
  • Weddings
  • Baby Showers
  • Dinners
  • ...and Many Others


Fenwick Landing Senior Care Center
11665 Doolittle Drive
Waldorf, MD 20602
(301) 638-4100
(301) 638-0799

Mention this website and receive $25 off the rental fee!
Nursing Services

Ensure your family member remains as healthy as possible, and alleviate the extensive time families must spend on ensuring health status is maintained.

  • Medication administration & monitoring
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Medical follow up
  • Wound care
  • Blood sugar testing
  • Health Screening
  • Benefits
Small Group Activities

Provides an opportunity for socialization and self expression. Allows an individual to engage in adult life pursuits while in a supervised setting.

  • Cooking
  • Sewing
  • Crafts
  • Gardening
  • Reminiscence
Community Outings

Maintains a sense of dignity, and community belonging. Increases independence and self esteem.

  • Shopping
  • Restaurant outings
  • Cultural Events
  • Benefits
Recreational Opportunities

Enhances self esteem, encourages socialization, and promotes friendships. Provides an opportunity to "remember when."

  • Bowling
  • Social functions
  • Theme Parties
  • Reminiscence
  • Sports Activities
  • Swimming
  • Benefits
Social Services

Maintains contact with family members, helps locate community resources, provide support for family members and participant.

  • Community resources
  • Medicaid applications
  • Support Groups

  • Benefits

Proud members of the South County Action Team, Dementia Friendly America, Prince George's County.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
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